[arch-general] Quoting mails like a boss (was: Re: IRC channel)

Dennis Herbrich dennis at archlinux.org
Thu Aug 16 02:21:27 EDT 2012

Thomas Rand wrote:
[snipped irrelevant content]

> I use gmail yet ooh I bottom post!

And tomorrow we'll learn how to quote properly and how to modify a subject
line, while we're on the topic of mail hygiene? And all that without undue
sarcasm, but in a polite and helpful manner?
Impossible! THIS! IS! INTERNET! ;)

This is a worthwile read. Really!

Helped me a lot 10+ years ago, still valid today.

Best regards,

"Den Rechtsstaat macht aus, dass Unschuldige wieder frei kommen."
  Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, Bundesinnenminister (14.10.08, TAZ-Interview)

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