[arch-general] Arch-general is becoming a mess !

Calvin Morrison mutantturkey at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 08:32:18 EDT 2012

> The problem here are a small handful of people who start flames and
> spread FUD. Banning a handful of people from the list is an easier
> solution IMO. I am generally against such measures, but it seems we will
> have no choice.

Can we please make the difference between flaming and trolling shown?
I think it is clear that all of the people arguing against systemd are
1. On topic 2. No disrupting any normal conversation (it's not like
they are preventing regular stuff going on. 3. very concerned with
systemd being put in place. 4. sometimes saying very inflammatory
statements (but so do people who support systemd)

This ML is a great place to discuss stuff, I'd like to keep it that
way. Trolling is much more malicious and much more intentional. Please
don't accuse people of trolling who are arguing for a real reason.

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