[arch-general] systemd: Disable dhcpcd

David Hunter archlinux at synackrst.net
Tue Aug 21 02:01:55 EDT 2012

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 9:54 PM, Simon Perry <arch at sanxion.net> wrote:
> I'm using netcfg at eth0.service to configure a static IP, however it seems
> that systemd insists on starting dhcpcd, and this screws up my
> resolv.conf.

You're probably still using initscripts compatibility, so systemd is
loading the items (like network) from your DAEMONS array in rc.conf.
Empty DAEMONS so that systemd doesn't start anything from there.

Or better yet, install systemd-sysvcompat and say goodbye to sysvinit

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