[arch-general] How to set grub2 resolution to 1366x768

Thomas Courbon thcourbon at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 08:10:18 EST 2012


I have a Sandy bridge based laptop (Asus Zenbook UX31e) and I use GRUB2 as
my bootloader. I'm not at home and can't check that, but I didn't had to do
any "insmod i915whatever" command line magic. I assume that you already
tried to use the "auto" parameter instead of an hard-set resolution and
that didn't change anything.

I guess that your BIOS may not repport correctly the resolution supported
by the X220 pannel. Is your BIOS up-to-date ?

Cheers !

2012/2/20 Bill Sun <cap.sensitive at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I want to have a 1366x768 resolution for grub2. Unfortunately, `vbeinfo`
> shows that my computer doesn't support that resolution (up to
> 960x640/1024x768). So, can I load some additional modules for grub2 so
> that it can support 1366x786 resolution in my computer?
> I tried to do the following steps in grub2 command line:
>    1) insmod 915resolution
>    2) 915resolution 5c 1366 786
> After step2, grub2 command line became completely black and
> unresponsive. I had to press the power button to force halt my machine.
> System information:
>    Archlinux x86_64
>    grub2-common 1.99
>    grub2-bios 1.99
>    Thinkpad X220 (with Intel Sandy Bridge CPU graphic card)
> Regards

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