[arch-general] Still Glibc problems

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 10:27:36 EDT 2012

Norbert Zeh said the following at 07/19/2012 06:08 PM :

> Well, the filesystem instructions are older and applied at the time the glibc
> upgrade was not an issue yet.  Combining the two instructions, I would guess the
> following should work:
> pacman -Syu --ignore filesystem --ignore glibc
> pacman -S --force filesystem --ignore glibc
> pacman -Sd <everything you couldn't upgrade due to ignored glibc>

Incidentally, this is quite a long list.
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:usrlib seems to suggest
that the list will contain only a few items, but the actual number is of the
order a couple of dozen packages.

> pacman -Su
> Note that I did not try this, but it seems to be the logical combination of the
> two.  Maybe one of the developers can chime in and confirm that this is the
> right strategy.

I am rather reticent to try something untested, especially when I see the
--force option in use. So yes, PLEASE, can a developer address this issue so
that I can have more confidence that I won't end up with a hosed system.

(I am very puzzled as to why this is happening at all. This is not a system to
which anything fancy has ever been done. If I'm having this problem, I don't
know why lots of others aren't seeing it too.)


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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