[arch-general] Joining mp3's --> Floating point exceptionffmpeg

Nelson Marambio nelsonmarambio at gmx.de
Thu Jul 26 13:14:41 EDT 2012

Am 26.07.2012 17:52, schrieb satisficer:
> On 2012-07-25, Nelson Marambio <nelsonmarambio at gmx.de> wrote:
>> for joining audio dramas (d/l from Amazon) which come along in
>> MP3-Format I use a short script
>> mp3wrap tmp.mp3 *.mp3
>> Does anyone have an advice for me?
> For a quick, dirty, and temporary solution:
> I use `cat` to join mp3 files. I believe the headers from 1st file are the
> ones that get copied to the new file. Once I tag the new file it works fine.
> This won't be great for keeping chapter numbers, etc. but it will allow you
> to listen to the full drama.
>      cat file1.mp3 file2.mp3 file3.mp3 > newfile.mp3
> I'll install `mp3wrap` and see if I can learn anything.

Well, the cat-concept was the one I tried before - it may work fine for 
mp3s with CBR, but with VBR it fails because you get an inaccurate track 

My solution yesterday was to re-encode the separate mp3s with lame, so I 
have files with CBR. Then the shell script worked fine again and stable.

After all I don't have to spend more time on preparing the d/l. It 
doesn't take longer if I first merge the mp3s and then export the file 
with Audacity to CBR or if I first encode the mp3s to CBR and merge them 

Curious enough that Amazon delivered VBR/ABR mp3s all the time but 
ffmpeg just has problems with some of them. But I'm human and satisfied 
being unable to understand everything. :D

Kind regards,

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