[arch-general] Pacman keys

Guillermo Leira gleira at gleira.com
Mon Jun 4 15:36:40 EDT 2012

For the past six months, pacman's package verification features were turned
off by default while we were figuring out the details of our public-key

They have finally been enabled in pacman-4.0.3-2; when you upgrade, you will
be prompted to run:

    pacman-key --init

    pacman-key --populate archlinux



Is it possible to run this commands remotely (ssh)? I have tried in
different machines, and all of them seem to hang after saying

"gpg: Generating pacman keychain master key..."

Well, it is not hanged, after almost 30 minutes I can stop it with CTRL-C,
and get a

"gpg: signal interrupt caught ... exiting"

Best Regards,

Guillermo Leira

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