[arch-general] KDE mail popup notification immediately after login starts - how to remove?

mike cloaked mike.cloaked at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 10:40:43 EDT 2012

In the past few days after a KDE update immediately after KDE login
starts from the KDM login greet screen.  I get a small mail
notification popup window before the normal KDE login completes
immediately after entering the login password in KDM.

The popup says either "You have old mail" or "You have new mail" and
the login will only continue if the "Ok" button on the popup is
clicked. This has never happened before and I cannot find any setting
which switches this off. The remainder of the KDE login does not
continue unless the "Ok" is accepted.

Presumably this is a new bug that has emerged but I would like any
help in getting rid of it - if anyone knows a workaround until a
proper fix is available in an updated kde package - though I don't
know which package is the culprit.

Any help appreciated.


mike c

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