[arch-general] Leafnode and Systemd

Whiskers catwheezel at operamail.com
Tue Oct 23 09:30:59 EDT 2012

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 11:51:24 +0200 Damjan <gdamjan at gmail.com> wrote:

>>> Xinetd doesn't need to be told.  Isn't there a table of standard ports
>>> for specified services?
>> Yes, there's a table of standard ports -- it's /etc/services. It merely
>> lets you refer to ports by name rather than by number. Something still
>> needs to indicate what port to listen on, regardless of how its
>> mentioned. So, I call bull on xinetd not needing to know this.
>> _somehow_ it's being told.
>Yes, xinetd knows because of the first line in the config file:
>     service nntp {
>Indeed, it takes the port for nntp from /etc/services
>So in systemd the ListenStream=119 is mandatory

Would "ListenStream=nntp" have the same effect?

The more points in common there are between inetd xinetd and systemd
configs, the less confusing it will be for those of us in the throes of


I think that should be /etc/xinetd.d/nntp

Side comment: it appears that with no IP number specified in ListenStream,
my clients speak to Leafnode via IPv6 ::1 locally, even though my router
and internet connection are still IPv4 only.

  $ cat /etc/hosts
  # /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names
  #<ip-address>	<hostname.domain.org>	<hostname>	localhost.localdomain	localhost tavy
  ::1		localhost.localdomain	localhost tavy
  # End of file

  $ hostname

  $ telnet localhost nntp
  Trying ::1...
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  200 Leafnode NNTP daemon, version 2.0.0.alpha20110806a at
  205 Always happy to serve!
  Connection closed by foreign host.

-- ^^^^^^^^^^
--  Whiskers 
-- ~~~~~~~~~~

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