[arch-general] net-tools: Deprecated?

Karol Babioch karol at babioch.de
Tue Oct 30 20:13:35 EDT 2012


I've just upgraded GNOME to version 3.6 and realized that net-tools was
pulled in as a requirement for the new version of networkmanager. Now
I'm wondering what the current status of "net-tools" is, because
according to [1] it is deprecated and I was perfectly fine without it ;).

I'm not familiar with the requirements for networkmanager, so basically
my question comes down to this: What is net-tools needed for and is
there a way to abandon this requirement? What are the plans for the future?

Thanks in advance. Furthermore I would like to thank all of you making
GNOME 3.6 available for us. Probably a lot of work has gone into this,
so thanks again!

Best regards,
Karol Babioch

[1] https://www.archlinux.org/news/deprecation-of-net-tools/

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