[arch-general] mostly successful install of talkingarchlinux

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at shellworld.net
Fri Sep 14 21:36:39 EDT 2012

Two situations are a bit puzzling after installation for me.
1) on booting the system it doesn't matter what is in syslinux.cfg, enter 
must be hit to turn sound on and finish the login.  I've adjusted prompt 
from 0 to 1 and it had no effect.
The second puzzle is a bit more troublesome and has to do with espeak 
I cannot hit the gray enter key and have espeak talk anymore through the 
sound card without rebooting the system.  For speakup, this is only 
supposed to be a temporary silence key, not a permanent kill key.  Other 
than those two puzzles, I finally got archlinux up and installed using 
One final piece I'd best add, I put amixer -D hw set Master 92% unmute 
into /etc/rc.local and it seems to work pretty well there.  

jude <jdashiel at shellworld.net> Adobe fiend for failing to Flash

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