[arch-general] Default value of "j" in makeflags of makepkg.conf
Sébastien Leblanc
leblancsebas at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 01:51:02 EST 2013
I would advise against doing that, considering that there are at least a
handful of packages (can't name them) that have broken or otherwise
malfunctioning Makefiles when run in parallel. The package maintainers
_should_ be aware of those issues, and would accordingly add
'options="!makeflags"' to their PKGBUILD, but not everyone has a multiple
core computer, nor did everyone test the functionality (there could be
cases where -j4 runs fine, but -j8 crashes, or other weird race conditions).
Adding your line as a mention in the makepkg.conf file (as a comment) could
be a great idea, as it is definitely a clever way of automatically setting
the number of parallel instances.
#-- Make Flags: change this for DistCC/SMP systems
# MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nprocs)" will set it to the number of logical cores on
your system.
On 30 December 2013 22:24, Mark Lee <mark at markelee.com> wrote:
> Salutations,
> I was wondering if we could change the default value for j in MakeFlags
> in makepkg.conf to "-j$(nproc)". This would allow makepkg to scale the
> number of threads per pc as default.
> Regards,
> Mark
> --
> Mark Lee <mark at markelee.com>
Sébastien Leblanc
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