[arch-general] Fwd: Re: [arch-dev-public] Plasma-NM plasmoid moved to [extra]

Genes Lists lists at sapience.com
Sat Oct 12 22:44:44 EDT 2013

Sorry hit reply and forgot to change to arch-general - resending as I am 
not permissioned on arch-dev-public.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [arch-dev-public] Plasma-NM plasmoid moved to [extra]
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 22:43:20 -0400
From: Genes Lists <lists at sapience.com>
To: Public mailing list for Arch Linux development 
<arch-dev-public at archlinux.org>

On 10/12/2013 01:22 PM, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> Hi all,
> just to inform all the KDE + NetworkManager users out there that I moved
> kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement to AUR.

    I am trying this now and it seems to be a bit buggy and not really
ready for prime time.

     I used it to connect to local wifi - worked fine. Left my laptop
and returned a couple hours later. I am still connected - and the hover
pop up shows the connection and correct SSID. However clicking the
applet no longer shows an active connection section. No way to disconnect.

    There is a previous connection (also no 'unknown connections'
section) but it had nothing useful (just a connection out of my list not
used for years).

    After a few minutes the SSID I was connected to showed up in the
'previous connections' section - with a button to 'connect'. Clicking
that, the connection was killed and re-establihsed and the 'active
connections' section re-appeaed with the connected SSID now visible. The
unkown connection  section also re-appeared.

   For those not yet using this you may want to wait a while until it
matures more.



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