[arch-general] Donate to Arch Linux

Michael Düll michael.duell at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sun Sep 22 19:27:28 EDT 2013

Hi everyone!

As far as I can see, there's only one option for non-US-citizens to
donate money to the project. This one option is a credit card [1].
As you may or may not be aware: Most (european) german citizens do not
possess and wish not possess a credit card and in some cases are not
able to possess a credit card.

Are other donation options planned in the future?
How soon?
I would even send an envelope with €urobills in it via AirMail, though
I'd prefer something more secure like Bitcoin or (I know many see it as
the devil) PayPal.

tl,dr: I want to send money to Arch Linux, but can't.

[1] http://i.imgur.com/dOFg0DE.png

Yours all,
Michael Düll

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