[arch-general] Heartbleed-bug in OpenSSL 1.0.1 up to 1.0.1f

Leonid Isaev lisaev at umail.iu.edu
Wed Apr 9 15:07:52 EDT 2014

[ I had to reconstruct the message from the online archive -- sorry if message
  ID is screwed ]

On Tue, 8 Apr 2014 17:54:14 +0100
adys.wh at gmail.com (Jerome Leclanche) wrote:

> Slightly OT but for those interested, I added the heartbleed utility
> (used by the heartbleed checker site) to the AUR:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/heartbleed-git/
> % heartbleed mediacru.sh:443
> 2014/04/08 17:53:57 mediacru.sh:443 - SAFE
> J. Leclanche

One should probably make clear that openssh servers/clients are _not_
affected because ssh does not use TLS:
http://serverfault.com/questions/587433/heartbleed-are-services-other-than-https-affected .

Leonid Isaev
GPG key fingerprint: C0DF 20D0 C075 C3F1 E1BE  775A A7AE F6CB 164B 5A6D
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