[arch-general] Does openssl 1.0.1.g-1 close the heartbleed exploit?

Guus Snijders gsnijders at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 03:47:25 EDT 2014

Op 25 apr. 2014 09:41 schreef "David C. Rankin" <
drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com> het volgende:
> Guys,
>   I was testing my boxes after updating to openssl 1.0.1.g-1 with
> and I am still able to grab and decrypt ssl packets. The openssl security
> says 1.0.1.g is not effected by the bug, but I can still get a 64k chuck
of data
> back from my server using the heartbleed.c test. (if I'm reading the
> correctly) Am I may be doing something wrong? It is worth asking to be

Probably a stupid question, but you did restart the affected daemons (or
system) after the update?
Otherwise, they'll be using the old lib.

mvg, Guus

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