[arch-general] pypy3 to pypy

Stefan Tatschner rumpelsepp at sevenbyte.org
Fri Jul 11 09:26:52 EDT 2014

Am Freitag, den 11.07.2014, 09:23 -0400 schrieb Charles Joachim:
> Hi, I'm really interested in Pypy and starting to use it daily but I mainly
> prefer the use of Python 3 in general.
> With the announcement of the first stable release of Pypy3, I would like to
> know what do people think of switching:
> pypy -> pypy2
> pypy3 -> pypy
> Like that, it would be in sync with the name change of Cpython.
> What do you think?

I think currently that's not really useful because pypy3 is the upstream
project name. It will just confuse people.


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