[arch-general] Migrating from 64 to 32 bit
Friedrich Strohmaier
damokles4-listen at bits-fritz.de
Tue Jul 22 20:02:18 EDT 2014
Hi Doug, *,
thanks for Your reply,
Am 20.07.2014 20:38 schrieb Doug Newgard:
> On 2014-07-20 18:17, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> I choose the Live-CD method following this guide:
>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Migrating_Between_Architectures_Without_Reinstalling#Method_1:_using_the_Arch_LiveCD
>> pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL -Sy
>> pacman --root $MOUNTED_INSTALL --cachedir $MOUNTED_INSTALL/var/cache/pacman/pkg --arch $ARCH --noconfirm -S base base-devel
>> running the second line, 32-bit live arch's pacman refuses to install 32-bit
>> packages
>> Does anyone have an idea, what's missing?
> Channge pacman -Sy to pacman -Syy to force it to grab new databases.
This did the trick :o))
I wanted to change the wiki and noticed my AUR account not working there. Did I
miss anything or do I need two accounts?
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