[arch-general] makepkg.conf CFLAGS

Rashif Ray Rahman schiv at archlinux.org
Mon Jun 2 13:53:38 EDT 2014

On 2 June 2014 18:56, Yamakaky <yamakaky at yamaworld.fr> wrote:
>> I believe when the decision was made it was simply based on the fact
>> that being able to share is worth more for the community than local
>> optimization.
> PKGBUILDs and packages from repositories have to be portable, but it's
> not a requirement for self-build AUR packages. Who shares binary
> packages from AUR ?

Anybody can share binary packages that they build off of AUR
buildscripts -- that is exactly what we allow by making these flags
the default.

With local optimization, users end up spending time rebuilding. You
may build a bunch of packages and decide to share them from a repo, or
you may want help from somebody else with runtime problems that you're

There is no statistical backing here AFAIK, so if you feel strongly
about it, you are welcome to approach the pacman developers in order
to reach a new conclusion.


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