[arch-general] What is the archlinux-bootstrap-2015.08.01?

ProgAndy admin at progandy.de
Thu Aug 13 10:31:21 UTC 2015

Am 13.08.2015 um 09:54 schrieb David C. Rankin:
> All,
>   In preparation for the motherboard change, I went to grab the latest 
> netinstall-dual.iso and found the normal iso and then an 
> 'archlinux-bootstrap' iso. Is the bootstrap iso the single 
> architecture netinstall?
>   I've checked the install, beginner's and download, but only found 
> reference to the pxe boot which can't be that big?

archlinux-bootstrap-$DATE-$ARCH.tar.gz contains a chroot environment to 
run pacman from any linux system. The process is described in the arch 
wiki.[1] It is not an iso image.



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