[arch-general] syslog-ng + systemd-journald = no logs for syslog-ng

Ephaeton at gmx.net Ephaeton at gmx.net
Sun Feb 15 09:37:22 UTC 2015

## vanilla /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
# grep -v '^#' /etc/systemd/journald.conf


# note: ForwardToSyslog set to no as per the first few paragraphs of
# https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/syslog-ng
# I tried ForwardToSyslog=yes as well, doesn't work either

# # systemd-journald and syslog-ng have been (re)started

# logger -p mail.info "mail argh"
# logger "user notice argh"
# logger -p local0.alert "local argh"

# cd /var/log/
# grep -l argh *
# # nothing to be seen here.

In fact, the only thing that seem to log anything "live" is syslog itself.

Note that this setup used to work just fine until prior to some 10 to 15
days ago, i.e., I expect an update broke it.

This is with an up-to-date system. (syslog-ng 3.6.2-1 and systemd 218-1)

Any ideas, anybody? I'd really like to NOT store anything via systemd-journald,
in fact, I'd really like to systemctl disable systemd-journald and never be
bothered by it again, so please don't tell me I should be just using systemd-journald ;)


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