[arch-general] Linux still at 4.2, but nvidia and virtualbox compiled for 4.3?

João Miguel jmcf125 at openmailbox.org
Tue Nov 24 19:07:50 UTC 2015

> Did you update today? Laurent fixed the nvidia package the same day (22
> Nov.), which is in [extra] now. There shouldn't be any problems with the
> current package.
Yes. Rereading this thread, it seems not only hadn't I read the email
before I had the problem, I didn't even read it properly afterwards... I
thought I might have had those errors and hadn't read them, but upon
inspection of /var/log/pacman.log, it turns out there were actually no

Given the case, and since I'm in no emergency (have downgraded the
packages, can use the X, although graphical acceleration does not work),
I'll make a new thread asking why do I get the problem I described with
the most recently packaged kernel and nvidia drivers, searching for it
more adequately first.

Sorry if I wasted your time, false alarm, I was simply distracted.

João Miguel

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