[arch-general] Building in docker?

Aitor Pazos lists at aitorpazos.es
Wed Apr 27 18:30:38 UTC 2016

> I have a very simple container that I use for building Arch packages, just
> added it to the Docker Hub so others can use it:
> https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/tazjin/arch-pkgbuild/

I just want to share with you my Docker image as well, which adds a couple of 
features to Vincent's, which are:
        - Allows to specify the desired uid for generated files at "docker 
time. This allow to use the image directly from the registry without needing 
to re-build it.
        - It specify Git's global user.name and user.email to allow cloning 
servers that requires them.

Hope it's useful as well for you:

    Aitor Pazos
Instant Messaging (Jabber, GTalk): aitor at aitorpazos.es
PGP Public Key: http://aitorpazos.es/publickey.asc

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