[arch-general] very out of date packages

Ido Rosen ido at kernel.org
Sun Aug 14 19:19:29 UTC 2016

On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Ido Rosen <ido at kernel.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 3:04 PM, Genes Lists via arch-general <
> arch-general at archlinux.org> wrote:
>> refind-efi has been flagged out of date for 9 months.
>> Are there any packagers who would be willing to take this one over?
>> It is not the most out of date even  ... but it's an important
>> component for those who boot with it. There are plenty of others which
>> are also very out of date.
>> I counted over 220 packages marked out of date. Of those nearly 20 were
>> flagged in 2015 or earlier.
>> Some of them have newer versions in AUR; but it would be good to try
>> get at least some of these updated.
>> What's the best way to tackle this issue?
> Maybe recruit more TUs, have more TUs overlap in coverage areas (i.e.
> encourage co-maintainership/co-packagers/teamwork/more than one
> maintainer per package), and accept TUs that manage fewer packages at a
> time (to reduce time commitment required per TU).

Although, it's worth noting, 220/14800 (<2%) of out of date packages at any
given time (and <0.2% badly out of date) isn't that bad...

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