[arch-general] [PATCH] core/linux: symlink current documentation on kernel upgrade

Emily Shepherd emily at emilyshepherd.me
Sat Aug 27 10:09:38 UTC 2016

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 05:36:38AM -0400, Quint Guvernator wrote:
>Hi all,
>Currently, Linux documentation provided by the linux-docs package is
>installed in /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/Documentation. We like
>documentation in /usr/share/doc 'round these parts, as per the Packaging
>Guidelines. Additionally, symlinking in the package means that users
>always have a path to the latest kernel documentation, without having to
>fiddle around with uname.
>Patch attached. Please let me know if I should be submitting this on a
>different list, or if there are formatting problems.

Site unseen, this seems like a sensible idea to me.


Emily Shepherd
Computer Science Graduate, MEng (Hons)
W: https://emilyshepherd.me/
M: +44(0)7575 721 231
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