[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [PATCH 1/1] move initramfs generation from install script to pacman hook

Leonid Isaev leonid.isaev at jila.colorado.edu
Thu May 19 20:53:20 UTC 2016

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Mauro Santos <registo.mailling at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19-05-2016 00:20, Sébastien Luttringer wrote:
>> Could we use a prefix convention to order our hooks? It's usefull to build
>> modules before building initramfs and eventually run grub update at the end.
> Not sure triggering grub update automagically is a good idea, I maintain
> grub.cfg myself and I'm sure more people do the same.
> I'd guess everyone that maintains their own grub.cfg would really
> appreciate not having a bad surprise after a kernel update.

I second that. Touching bootloader config is a bad idea. For example, in my
case, I use arch's syslinux to boot multiple distros (with custom
syslinux.cfg), which don't even have a bootloader package.


Leonid Isaev
GPG fingerprints: DA92 034D B4A8 EC51 7EA6  20DF 9291 EE8A 043C B8C4
                  C0DF 20D0 C075 C3F1 E1BE  775A A7AE F6CB 164B 5A6D

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