[arch-general] Installation: How to get HDD > LUKS > GPT working in a clean way

Jeremy Brown jeremy at brownjava.org
Sun Nov 27 20:30:31 UTC 2016

On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 04:48:18PM +0100, Merlin Büge wrote:
> Hey everybody!
> I'm currently installing Arch on my laptop (Thinkpad T400), and have decided
> for a rather unusual partition scheme: A single LUKS container directly on
> the disk (SSD) with a GPT partition table and two partitions inside it: one for
> SWAP, the other one for the system and everyting else, formatted with Btrfs.

I'm not really answering your question here, but just out of curiosity what's the appeal of this approach over doing one of the options described at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Swap_encryption:

(1) dm-encrypted swap with a new key generated each boot (what I generally use, is the most secure, and works in any case where you don't need to hibernate)
(2) The same thing you're trying to do but with LVM instead of a GPT table
(3) a swap file on your Btrfs volume itself

I've done all these at various points and they all work well.


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