[arch-general] how to restore root and boot directory

Jérôme M. Berger jeberger at free.fr
Fri Sep 23 20:55:53 UTC 2016

On 09/23/2016 07:46 PM, Fernando wrote:
> To list the packages that contains files in /boot use. You have to 
> reinstall those packages.
> pacman -Ql | grep " /boot/"
	Or pacman -Qo /boot, which gives me:

/boot/ is owned by filesystem 2015.09-1
/boot/ is owned by intel-ucode 20160714-1
/boot/ is owned by linux 4.7.4-1
/boot/ is owned by linux-lts 4.4.21-1
/boot/ is owned by syslinux 6.03-6

	So you need to reinstall at least "filesystem" and "linux" plus
whatever booloader you're using. Reinstalling "linux" should run
mkinitcpio automatically but your bootloader will need to be reconfigured.

mailto:jeberger at free.fr
Jabber: jeberger at jabber.fr

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