[arch-general] Link against system libs

Wolfgang Mader Wolfgang_Mader at brain-frog.de
Thu Apr 6 12:13:06 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I have a general question about linking in C++ with which you can probably 
clarify for me.

Arch ships with a lot of libraries of which .a and .so are stored in /usr/lib 
and beyond. These libraries are compiled by some compiler, the compiler by 
which the entire arch linux distribution packages are compiled with. By the 
way, which one is this and where can I find that information.

If this compiler is a c++ one, it does its specific name mangling. Thus, 
linking against these libs should only be possible for binaries compiled with 
the same c++ compiler. However, arch ships gcc6, gcc5, and clang. Does it also 
ship libraries for all these compilers or how is it possible for binaries 
complied by these different compilers to link successfully?

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