[arch-general] Link against system libs

Lukas Jirkovsky l.jirkovsky at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 12:50:13 UTC 2017

On 6 April 2017 at 14:13, Wolfgang Mader <Wolfgang_Mader at brain-frog.de> wrote:
> If this compiler is a c++ one, it does its specific name mangling. Thus,
> linking against these libs should only be possible for binaries compiled with
> the same c++ compiler. However, arch ships gcc6, gcc5, and clang. Does it also
> ship libraries for all these compilers or how is it possible for binaries
> complied by these different compilers to link successfully?
> Best,
> Wolfgang

All compilers you mentioned are for the most part ABI compatible, ie.
they use the same name mangling.

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