[arch-general] Best practices for creating an Arch Docker image

Giovanni Santini itachi.sama.amaterasu at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 17:52:08 UTC 2017

Good evening to everybody,
I got interested in Docker lately and I've decided to create an
ArchLinux image for it.
There's one suggested from the ArchWiki (*base/archlinux*) but I wanted
to learn from scratch.
So, I've then some questions:

1. As the root filesystem, I've made a repacked version of the bootstrap
tarball. Even though it is not so clean, it works and it is easy peasy
to do. Should I go still for a `pacstrap`?
2. Theorically, one step of the Dockerfile should be installing the
whole 'base' group, which includes also the kernel, which is not really
needed in a container.
So this questions splits up in 2 parts:
- which packages I can ignore of the 'base' group?
- which packages present in the bootstrap OS can be removed?
This is because I think the Docker image should contain only the least
number of packages of an Arch system; ideally, *pacman* and the needed
core utils.
3. I'm having a GPGME error with the i686 tarball... Upgrading GPGME
breaks pacman, upgrading pacman does the same. If someone is interested
in helping me, I would be glad to share the Dockerfile.

A first working code is here: https://github.com/ItachiSan/dockerfiles

Giovanni Santini
My blog: http://giovannisantini.tk
My code: https://git{hub,lab}.com/ItachiSan

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