[arch-general] IPSEC / L2PT for IOS

siefke_listen at web.de siefke_listen at web.de
Tue Oct 3 18:37:29 UTC 2017

On Tue, 3 Oct 2017 20:15:44 +0200
Lukas Rose <lists at lrose.de> wrote:

> Sure you want to use IPSEC/L2PT? There’s openvpn for iOS...

Yes I know but it will not work. I have no Windows PC so no Itunes
and with copy on iphone no chance it seem to me. When I open the
ovpn file I become message no certificates are founded. So what 
chance I have? 

I have copy all files with FileExplorer FTP to folder Downloads/openvpn.
It were great when it will work because ipsec not really easy to handle.

Thank you & Greetings

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