[arch-general] Server Management Tools

Plonky Duby plonky at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 19:53:12 UTC 2017


First you have shellscript, based on ssh client and gnu parallel.

Second you can write your own python script with paramiko and parallel

Third you can look to fabric (http://www.fabfile.org/)

Fourth, you can easely learn Ansible, which tends to become the #1 server
management tool under the strong marketing effort from Redhat.

More and more big company are leaving puppet and using Ansible, and now
they even opensourced Tower (look at awx)

2017-10-13 21:44 GMT+02:00 Bardur Arantsson <spam at scientician.net>:

> On 2017-10-13 21:14, Karol Babioch wrote:
> > unexpected errors.
> Indeed, this is the most terrifying of messages to ever appear.
> You just ran a command across N machines, two of them failed. Ugh.
> The *BEST* case is things like e.g. "apt-get update" failing because of
> a spurious mirror resolution failure. (Or maybe the UDP DHCP query
> failed for one or two or three of your hosts?.)
> >
> > Other than that orchestration is great (Ansible, Puppet, etc.), although
> > it takes more knowledge and experience.
> >
> Choose this path.
> (I have no idea of what's best, but almost *anything* is better than
> "iterate through hosts and run command".)
> Regards,

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