[arch-general] Weird artifacts after every pacman transaction

Jérôme M. Berger jeberger at free.fr
Sat Oct 28 05:52:50 UTC 2017

On 10/28/2017 07:33 AM, Chorom Potro wrote:
> Hello,
> Couple of days ago my power was cut in the middle of an update (pacman was updating purpose and atk), after the failed update my system would not run any app because libpurpose and libatk was corrupted. So I did a force reinstallation of both.
> Now everything is working but after each transaction I am seeing a bunch of texts like these:
> ldconfig: File /usr/lib/libavdevice.so.57 is empty, not checked.
> ...	Reinstall ffmpeg, it was probably part of the same botched update and
you haven't seen it yet because fewer apps depend on it.

mailto:jeberger at free.fr
Diaspora*: https://framasphere.org/u/jeberger

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