[arch-general] List of Files Created by makepkg

brent s. bts at square-r00t.net
Fri Dec 7 15:29:00 UTC 2018

On 12/7/18 10:13 AM, Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to write an automated script which takes in packages and package 
> files created by makepkg and uploads it somewhere.
> For this, I would need the list of files created by the `makepkg` command. Is 
> there a way to get that?

you mean files *in* the .pkg.tar.xz? that get installed to the
filesystem during installation?

they're.. just tar files.

you can either tar -tvf file.pkg.tar.xz or just use whatever library
(e.g.g tarfile on python) to do this. the entire tree is there

alternatively, you can just extract the .MTREE file inside the package

if you mean you want a list of .pkg.tar.xz files that would be CREATED
by makepkg you could just read the man page for makepkg:

           List the package filenames that would be produced without
building. Listed package filenames include PKGDEST and PKGEXT.

brent saner
GPG info: https://square-r00t.net/gpg-info

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