[arch-general] Corrupt Package (confirmed 2 servers) dovecot, jansson, python2-pillow

Simon Doppler dopsi at dopsi.ch
Sun Feb 11 10:42:07 UTC 2018

Hi David,

I just tried to download the dovecot package and go no errors (from [1])

> error: jansson: signature from "Eli Schwartz <eschwartz at archlinux.org>" is 
marginal trust

The error means that your pacman keyring knows Eli's key but has no trustlevel 
associated to it (have you tried refreshing the keys or reinstalling the 
archlinux-keyring package?). Eli's key has been recently added to the keyring 
and may not be up to date with the signatures.

[1] https://mirror.fra10.de.leaseweb.net/


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