[arch-general] libxfont: removing fontsproto breaks dependency 'fontsproto>=2.1.3'

Tinu Weber takeya at bluewin.ch
Wed Feb 14 21:07:08 UTC 2018

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 15:32:35 -0500, Kyle wrote:
> I can see a
> whole lot of other explicitly installed packages as well as packages that
> are installed as build dependencies that would also be removed using this
> method, which is unacceptable at least on my system.

If you don't want packages to be removed by the given command, install
them explicitly.

Or better, write a meta-package that keeps them in as a dependency (so
you also know *why* they are installed, and makes system housekeeping
easier in general).

Something like:


	pkgdesc='Dependencies for fooing bars from baz'

	package() {
	  depends=(git meson libpng12 sl)

This way you know that e.g. libpng12 is installed on your system because
you occasionally like to foo some bars from baz.

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