[arch-general] Latest openssh - Premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol?

Paul Gideon Dann pdgiddie at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 15:21:44 UTC 2018

On 17 July 2018 at 15:48, David C. Rankin <drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com>

> It's like there is something between:
> 09:20:24 phoinix systemd[1]: Started Session c18 of user david.
>   and
> 09:20:28 phoinix sshd[2654]: Received disconnect from port
> 59956:11: disconnected by user
> that isn't data transfer and isn't rsyc checking if files need updating.
>   Also interestingly, the 5 boxes on my lan that are in the backup list do
> not
> show this type of delay. For example same connection and same box, but on
> lang
> and not internet.

Personally, I'd be leaning *heavily* into checking that the rsync & data
transfer time really hasn't increased. I think it's extremely unlikely that
any kind of deliberate delay has been added. It wouldn't be a particularly
smart solution to the DDOS problem. Have you run the backup script manually
on the remote machine, to check that it still completes in under a second?
You could also do some tests such as "ssh remotehost echo hello" to test
connection + shell spawn time.


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