[arch-general] Possible to "inherit" from a package?

Peter Nabbefeld peter.nabbefeld at gmx.de
Thu Jul 26 15:02:28 UTC 2018

Am 16.07.2018 um 05:40 schrieb Eli Schwartz via arch-general:
> On 07/14/2018 02:42 AM, David Runge wrote:
>> @Peter: inheritance is not really a thing with PKGBUILDs afaik.
>> However, you can do two things to get the desired results: Ask for
>> inclusion of the feature with a feature request in the bug tracker or
>> create your own local repository with precedence over the others in
>> which you build your own version of dovecot.
> +1
> This is trivial to do if you've got a local git clone of the repository
> package, as you can take advantage of git rebase to forward-port your
> local modifications to newer releases.
> Alternatively there is https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=customizepkg
Thank You, Eli! I needed some time to look at this. From 
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/customizepkg/ there're only few AUR 
helpers using it:
- yaourt, packer, aurget: discouraged according to wiki
- aura: needs haskell, but aura-bin seems appropriate.

Also, though README of customizepkg states "A tool for Arch Linux 
package manager pacman to modify PKGBUILD automatically.", it seems not 
to work with pacman itself.

So my best bet seems to be aura (bin) - I'll have to learn about, as 
pacaur is no more maintained anyway.

But I there's a package version mismatch between .SRCINFO and PKGBUILD 
customizepkg - with an interesting message:

:: customizepkg package(s) failed to install.
:: ensure package version does not mismatch between .SRCINFO and PKGBUILD
:: ensure package name has a VCS suffix if this is a devel package

Did You notice? Error message is telling the opposite ...

Well, I'll have to fix the version mismatch that locally.

Kind regards


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