[arch-general] How to have multiple JDKs parallel?

Leandro Papi demolitions at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 08:41:54 UTC 2018

If I may pitch in with my 2 cents,

The fact that Java 10 replaces Java 9 is a call made by Oracle, as
described in their roadmap
[...]Java SE 9 was a non‑LTS release and immediately superseded by
Java SE 10 (also non‑LTS), Java SE 10 in turn is immediately
superseded by Java SE 11[...]

So it may not be an error having the successive packages removing the
previous ones, this behaviour will stop at Java 11, which will be a
LTS release, and Java 12 will not need to replace Java 11.

It's their release schedule, and I don't know if it would be better to
adhere to their guidelines or not, but I'm sure I'd like to leave this
choice to the user.

(Sorry for any unsightly formatting, it's my first reply to the
mailing list, and I'm using gmail, if there is something wrong please
take the time to guide me through my errors in a separate thread.)
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