[arch-general] Problems compiling big projects from AUR

leoutation at gmx.fr leoutation at gmx.fr
Fri Apr 12 13:50:26 UTC 2019

On 4/12/19 3:33 PM, Ralf Mardorf via arch-general wrote:
> On Fri, 2019-04-12 at 11:04 +0000, Celti Burroughs wrote:
>> April 12, 2019 3:07 AM, "Jeanette C. via arch-general" <arch-general at archlinux.org> wrote:
>>> The thing that happens is for the AUR build process to swap massive
>>> amounts of data, grinding the system almost to a halt and finally
>>> failing without much of a reason. Nothing typically source code or
>>> linkage related.
>> Are you using an AUR helper to run the build, or are you running it
>> manually using makepkg? It seems likely to me that your AUR helper is
>> building somewhere under /tmp, which is of course a tmpfs and thus
>> entirely resident in RAM — and thus causing massive and unnecessary
>> swapping.
> I agree on the tmpfs guess. However, when not using a helper, users
> might anyway tend to do the manual build process in tmpfs. OTOH I
> sometimes still use a discontinued helper. For small software I just run
> the helper and for large software I run an alias [1], to build outside
> tmpfs.
> When using the manual build process, then depending on the size of the
> software to build, I also chose between tmpfs and no tmpfs for the build
> directory.
> The usage of tmpfs isn't necessarily related to the tools somebody does
> use to build packages ;).
> [1]
> $ grep naourt .bashrc
> alias naourt='echo "Not AnOther User Repository Tool";rm -rf /{.,}tmp/yaourt-tmp-$(id -un);yaourt --tmp /.tmp'
yaourt is discontinued. I use Trizen when i really need to use Aur
helper. Many options, it's possible to specify other directory than /tmp


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