[arch-general] VirtualBox 6 on 4.20 - Anybody seeing guests become unresponsive after several hours?

mike lojkovic mikelojkovic at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 02:33:45 UTC 2019

Last I was aware VirtualBox has some stability issues with KDE. Maybe, try
Cinnamon or one of the lighter weight desktops.

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019, 8:28 PM David C. Rankin <drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com

> On 01/03/2019 12:52 PM, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
> > Maybe check if the volume where your VM's disk is stored is running out
> of space?
> Thanks DR, but still 379G free on /home, so it should have plenty of
> space. In
> fact, none of the filesystems are low yet:
> Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/md1         50G   21G   29G  42% /
> /dev/md0        469M   96M  360M  22% /boot
> /dev/md2        865G  486G  379G  57% /home
> /dev/md4        2.7T  871G  1.9T  32% /home/data
> I allocate 2-Core and 2G per-guest (on an 8-Core/32G host), so memory or
> storage should be fine.
> It does appear like the VM can't find its volume though. That would
> correspond
> with the system not being able to launch 'ls' (or any command). It just
> sits
> there running. What's strange is, as posted, the guests are not locked up,
> they are running and I can close apps, shutdown Fluxbox or KDE, I just
> cannot
> launch anything -- sort of like the filesystem is just disconnected so
> nothing
> new can be launched (including systemctl poweroff)
> Strange, I'll keep an eye on it, thanks to all for the feedback.
> --
> David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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