[arch-general] X logs me out from tty on close

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at yandex.ru
Thu Jan 10 13:24:06 UTC 2019

** Ali Emre Gülcü via arch-general [2019-01-10 12:16:20 +0300]:

> Hello everyone,
> I had a rather interesting problem recently. I dont have any display
> manager and I open desktop environment from tty when needed. Previously
> when I logged out from Xfce or closed down X server, it would put me back
> on my tty session. Now when I do the same, it also logs me out from tty and
> I must login again. Is this the expected behaviour after some xorg or
> kernel update? Or did I mess up something? I tried with both `startx` and
> `startxfce4`. And to be sure that this is not an driver related problem, I
> also tried with `nvidia-xrun`, same results.

It looks the same as described here
and that issue has a solution

> Thanks in advance.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
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