[arch-general] Mutt with Icloud

siefke_listen at web.de siefke_listen at web.de
Wed Mar 27 17:55:59 UTC 2019


have someone mutt with Icloud at work and can share the config? I use
google and try and try. The login is no problem, but I can not write 
an email. 

my config:
set from             = "Silvio Siefke <>" yes email
set folder           = imaps://imap.mail.me.com:993
set spoolfile        = +INBOX
set postponed        = +Drafts
set record           = +"Sent Messages"

set imap_user        = "my email"
set imap_pass        = "my password"
set smtp_url         = "smtp://$imap_user@smtp.mail.me.com:587"
set smtp_pass        = "my password"

set ssl_force_tls    = yes
set ssl_starttls     = yes
set ssl_use_sslv3    = no
set ssl_use_tlsv1    = no
set ssl_use_tlsv1_1  = no
set ssl_use_tlsv1_2  = yes
set ssl_verify_dates = yes
set ssl_verify_host  = yes
set imap_pipeline_depth = 0
set smtp_authenticators = 'gssapi:login'

It would be great. Thank you.

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