[arch-general] Input, Uinput, and udev problems with user access

Storm Dragon stormdragon2976 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 14:48:27 UTC 2019


Up until yesterday evening, the following setup would allow the Fenrir screen reader to access the tools it needs to read without root access in terminal emulators like Xterm:

        groupadd --system input
        groupadd --system uinput
        echo 'KERNEL==\"event*\", NAME=\"input/%k\", MODE=\"660\", GROUP=\"input\"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules
        echo 'KERNEL==\"uinput\", SUBSYSTEM==\"misc\", OPTIONS+=\"static_node=uinput\", TAG+=\"uaccess\", GROUP=\"uinput\"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-fenrirscreenreader.rules

Now, however, while it can still read the screen, the keyboard does nothing. Has something changed, and if so, what do I need to do differently to get it working again?


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