[arch-general] Recent logwatch update may need a news item?

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at yandex.ru
Fri Sep 20 01:10:59 UTC 2019

** Amish via arch-general [2019-09-20 05:59:11 +0530]:
> On 19/09/19 10:44 pm, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
>> On September 19, 2019 1:00:26 PM EDT, Amish via arch-general <arch-general at archlinux.org> wrote:
>>> those users who use logwatch that they need to take following actions:
>>> 1) pacman -Syu
>>> 2) cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/logwatch.service.d/local.conf
>>> [Service]
>>> ExecStart=
>>> ExecStart=/usr/bin/logwatch --output mail
>>> 3) systemctl daemon-reload
>>> 4) systemctl --now enable logwatch.timer

Thank you for your message about changed behaviour of logwatch. I'm
using it to mail logs from different host to one address.

>> I guess it's entirely possible that users were logging without using
>> mail at all. There are guides for generically forwarding systemd logs
>> via email, though.
> Thanks but why would one parse logs to log it back to logs?
> The default behaviour of earlier version of logwatch was to send email to
> root. (via cron)
> So I guess if the timer was meant to be drop in replacement for cron then it
> should e-mail too.

So just look at the source:
and you will see that it is not Archlinux issue, it is logwatch one.
They simply drop output to mail for service. I'm lack of time right now
but if I were you I open a ticket to ask why service isn't 100%
functional as cron job.

> Amish.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone
has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.
		-- Professor Lowd, English, Ohio University
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