[arch-general] 5.5 kernel - Latest virtualbox testcase build for 5.2.37 fails to start Arch guest on Arch host

David C. Rankin drankinatty at suddenlinkmail.com
Wed Feb 5 21:16:48 UTC 2020

On 02/05/2020 09:31 AM, Erich Eckner wrote:
> Is there a specific reason, that prevents you from using virtualbox 6.1.2
> from [community] - am I missing something here?


  Unfortunately Win7 guests don't play well with 6.x over the network when
started headless and I need to extension pack. (I should try again, I don't
know if the problem was fixed in the past few 6.x releases after I reported it
early on). That's why I have continued to build the 5.2 branch for AUR under

  Oracle had indicated late 2020 would be the last 5.2 release, but they are
still continuing their support for that branch. (I suspect I'm not the only
one that stumbled into the network deploy issue with 6.x)

  The only reason I don't know more testing with 6.x is it requires a backup
of the VM's config as 6.x makes changes that have to be undone to downgrade
back to 5.2. (but at this point, it's worth giving it another shot)

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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