[arch-general] Iptables

Karol Babioch karol at babioch.de
Thu Feb 13 21:35:55 UTC 2020


Am 11.02.20 um 16:15 schrieb NTS:
> - The ssh port is fixed as TCP port 12500.  Since 12500 >1024 this
> is a non-priviledged port which is a security risk.  Ports < 1024
> can only be opened (here: state LISTEN) by root, others by everyone.

While technically this is true, I'm not convinced that this matters in
practice in most environments.

> If a user manages to crash your sshd then they can start their own
> service at that port.

This requires local users/attackers with shell access. Not necessarily a
concern in every environment.

Best regards,
Karol Babioch

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