[arch-general] Arch should be apolitical

Yaro Kasear yaro at marupa.net
Tue Jun 2 14:10:59 UTC 2020

On 6/2/20 3:49 AM, Ralf Mardorf via arch-general wrote:
> On Tue, 02 Jun 2020 00:53:02 -0400, Olivier Langlois wrote:
>> https://thenationalpulse.com/
> Isn't this a right-wing propaganda media? IIUC you are so far
> the only one making a political issue out of a sincere exchange
> of thoughts, regarding an off-topic thread.
> FWIW the logo has got only a single colour of the rainbow,
> https://www.archlinux.org/ , is this already too much rainbow colour?
> Is it planned to change the colour of the logo? Can you provide a link
> to a fact-check prove source?
The fact this user used the term "globalist" should really tell you all
you need to know about them. That's a conservative dog-whistle term for
"Jew" and is usually spewed by people who listen to garbage like Alex
Jones unironically.


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