[arch-general] Why move LTS to 5.10 when VirtualBox guests Kernel Panic with 5.10?

Giancarlo Razzolini grazzolini at archlinux.org
Wed Feb 24 11:02:20 UTC 2021

Em fevereiro 23, 2021 22:48 David C. Rankin via arch-general escreveu:
>   I understood why it was done, I follow the kernel announcements, etc, but
> was a bit bewildered by Arch moving LTS to 5.10 before Linux moved to 5.11.
> Even today, we have:
> linux 5.10.16.arch1-1
> and
> linux-lts 5.10.17-1
>   So the LTS kernel is a release ahead of the Arch mainline kernel. It just
> seemed like as a distro we would want to be a little more coordinated to
> ensure both linux and linux-lts move in a coordinated way.
> (sorry for the late reply here, no power for 6 Days 6 Hours due to Texas ice
> storm... glaring example of all that is wrong with deregulated energy...)

You forgot [testing]. linux-lts became 5.10 after linux became 5.11 on [testing].
The fact that it didn't move to [core] yet is irrelevant. Holding back -lts would
not be ideal, just so we could release 5.11 and then move -lts to 5.10.

Giancarlo Razzolini
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